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Uniting for Stewardship at Trinity Episcopal Church 

Dear friends in Christ,


I recently had the opportunity to lead the Morning Prayer Service when Reverend Jordan and most of the church leadership were attending the Diocese convention. I had never seen the service before and was confused by the word “Venite”. Researching the word, I learned that liturgically it was an ancient chant containing parts of the 95th and 96th Psalms. In Latin it means “come ye” or “approach ye” and translated into English it becomes an invitation to come, join, or gather.


The message of Join is most appropriate for this time of year as we Unite for Stewardship and Ignite for Radical Hospitality.  These are two themes you’ve probably seen in our newsletters recently.  The message of the Venite asks us to come and adore Him, and to bow down and kneel before our Maker because all things come from Him.  God has provided us with everything we have, and we are indebted to Him for creation, preservation, and every blessing we enjoy.


So, come, let us unite and worship Him. Let us gather to share in His blessings, to enjoy fellowship in a loving and generous community of believers and friends. Let us continue to work to promote understanding and maintain Trinity as a refuge from the superfluities that distract us from our focus on Serving God.


Come, let us invite our friends and neighbors to experience the hospitality that the community of Trinity offers.  Let us develop and implement the Radical Hospitality program to supercharge our efforts and make Trinity a beacon of God’s love and grace.


Finally, let us come and offer our time, talent, and treasure to ensure that Trinity remains a viable force of God’s love in Lander and the surrounding area. In order to provide the many services we offer to the community, to guarantee that we will continue to have a full-time Priest, to maintain our building and grounds, and initiate new programs requires all of us to give as much of ourselves as possible.


A pledge card is included with this letter. Please consider what all God has given you, and as the spirit moves you, please make a generous pledge. It is vital that our revenues increase, both by adding new parishioners, and by your generous financial support.


Thank you for all you do for Trinity.


Yours in the faith,


Beynon St. John, Stewardship Committee

Pledges may be returned to:


Trinity Episcopal Church

860 S. 3rd St

Lander, WY 82520

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